Better deep learning (sometimes)
by learning kernel mean embeddings
Danica J. Sutherland(she/her)University of British Columbia (UBC) / Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii)
slides (but not the talk) about four related projects:
Feng Liu
Wenkai Xu
Hsiao-Yu (Fish) Tung
(+ 6 more…)
Yazhe Li
Roman Pogodin
Michael Arbel
Mikołaj Bińkowski
Li (Kevin) Wenliang
Heiko Strathmann
+ all with Arthur Gretton
LIKE22 - 12 Jan 2022
(Swipe or arrow keys to move through slides; for a menu to jump; to show more.)
Deep learning and deep kernels
- Deep learning: models usually of form
- With a learned
- If we fix , have with
- Same idea as NNGP approximation
- Could train a classifier by:
- Let , loss of the best
- Learn by following
- Generalize to a deep kernel:
Normal deep learning deep kernels
- Take as output of last layer
- Final function in will be
- With logistic loss: this is Platt scaling
So what?
- This definitely does not say that deep learning is (even approximately) a kernel method
- …despite what some people might want you think
- We know theoretically deep learning can learn some things faster than any kernel method [see Malach+ ICML-21 + refs]
- But deep kernel learning ≠ traditional kernel models
- exactly like how usual deep learning ≠ linear models
What do deep kernels give us?
- In “normal” classification: slightly richer function space 🤷
- Meta-learning: common , constantly varying
- Two-sample testing
- Simple form of for cheap permutation testing
- Self-supervised learning
- Better understanding of what's really going on, at least
- Generative modeling with MMD GANs
- Better gradient for generator to follow (?)
- Score matching in exponential families (density estimation)
- Optimize regularization weights, better gradient (?)
Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD)
MMD as feature matching
- is the feature map for
- If , , then
the MMD is distance between means - Many kernels: infinite-dimensional
Estimating MMD
I: Two-sample testing
- Given samples from two unknown distributions
- Question: is ?
- Hypothesis testing approach:
- Reject if test statistic
- Do smokers/non-smokers get different cancers?
- Do Brits have the same friend network types as Americans?
- When does my laser agree with the one on Mars?
- Are storms in the 2000s different from storms in the 1800s?
- Does presence of this protein affect DNA binding? [MMDiff2]
- Do these dob and birthday columns mean the same thing?
- Does my generative model match ?
- Independence testing: is ?
What's a hypothesis test again?
Permutation testing to find
: th quantile of
MMD-based tests
- If is characteristic, iff
- Efficient permutation testing for
- : converges in distribution
- : asymptotically normal
- Any characteristic kernel gives consistent test…eventually
- Need enormous if kernel is bad for problem
Classifier two-sample tests
- is the accuracy of on the test set
- Under , classification impossible:
- With where ,
Optimizing test power
- Asymptotics of give us immediately that
, , are constants:
first term dominates
- Pick to maximize an estimate of
- Can show uniform convergence of estimator
Blobs dataset
Blobs results
CIFAR-10 vs CIFAR-10.1
Train on 1 000, test on 1 031, repeat 10 times. Rejection rates:ME | SCF | C2ST | MMD-O | MMD-D |
0.588 | 0.171 | 0.452 | 0.316 | 0.744 |
Ablation vs classifier-based tests
| Cross-entropy | Max power |
Dataset | Sign | Lin | Ours | Sign | Lin | Ours |
Blobs | 0.84 | 0.94 | 0.90 | – | 0.95 | 0.99 |
High- Gauss. mix. | 0.47 | 0.59 | 0.29 | – | 0.64 | 0.66 |
Higgs | 0.26 | 0.40 | 0.35 | – | 0.30 | 0.40 |
MNIST vs GAN | 0.65 | 0.71 | 0.80 | – | 0.94 | 1.00 |
- What if you don't have much data for your testing problem?
- Need enough data to pick a good kernel
- Also need enough test data to actually detect the difference
- Best split depends on best kernel's quality / how hard to find
- Don't know that ahead of time; can't try more than one
- One idea: what if we have related problems?
- Similar setup to meta-learning:
(from Wei+ 2018)
Meta-testing for CIFAR-10 vs CIFAR-10.1
- CIFAR-10 has 60,000 images, but CIFAR-10.1 only has 2,031
- Where do we get related data from?
- One option: set up tasks to distinguish classes of CIFAR-10 (airplane vs automobile, airplane vs bird, ...)
One approach (MAML-like)
is, e.g., 5 steps of gradient descent
we learn the initialization, maybe step size, etc
This works, but not as well as we'd hoped…
Initialization might work okay on everything, not really adapt
Another approach: Meta-MKL
Inspired by classic multiple kernel learning
Only need to learn linear combination
on test task:
much easier
Theoretical analysis for Meta-MKL
- Same big-O dependence on test task size 😐
- But multiplier is much better:
based on number of meta-training tasks, not on network size - (Analysis assumes meta-tasks are “related” enough)
Results on CIFAR-10.1
Challenges for testing
- When , can we tell how they're different?
- Methods so far: some mostly for low-
- Some look at points with large critic function
- Finding kernels / features that can't do certain things
- distinguish by emotion, but can't distinguish by skin color
- Avoid the need for data splitting (selective inference)
- Kübler+ NeurIPS-20 gave one method
- only for multiple kernel learning
- only with data-inefficient (streaming) estimator
II: Self-supervised learning
Given a bunch of unlabeled samples ,
want to find “good” features
(e.g. so that a linear classifier on works with few samples)
One common approach: contrastive learning
CPC, SimCLR, MoCo, SwAV, …
Mutual information isn't why SSL works!
InfoNCE approximates MI between "positive" views
But MI is invariant to transformations important to SSL!
Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC)
With a linear kernel:
Estimator based on kernel matrices:
- is the centering matrix
- is the kernel matrix on
- is the kernel matrix on
is just an indicator of which source image it came from)
Target representation is output of
HSIC uses learned kernel
Your InfoNCE model is secretly a kernel method…
Very similar loss! Just different regularizer
When variance is small,
Clustering interpretation
SSL-HSIC estimates agreement of with cluster structure of
With linear kernels:
where is mean of the augmentations
Resembles BYOL loss with no target network (but still works!)
ImageNet results: linear evaluation
Transfer from ImageNet to classification tasks
III: Training implicit generative models
Given samples from a distribution over ,
we want a model that can produce new samples from
Generator networks
Fixed distribution of latents:
Maps through a network:
DCGAN generator [Radford+ ICLR-16]
How to choose ?
GANs and their flaws
- GANs [Goodfellow+ NeurIPS-14] minimize discriminator accuracy (like classifier test) between and
- Problem: if there's a perfect classifier, discontinuous loss, no gradient to improve it [Arjovsky/Bottou ICLR-17]
Disjoint at init:
- For usual , is supported on a countable union of manifolds with dim
- “Natural image manifold” usually considered low-dim
- Won't align at init, so won't ever align
- Integral probability metrics with “smooth” are continuous
- WGAN: a set of neural networks satisfying
- WGAN-GP: instead penalize near the data
- Both losses are MMD with
- Some kind of constraint on is important!
Non-smoothness of plain MMD GANs
Illustrative problem in , DiracGAN [Mescheder+ ICML-18]:
- Just need to stay away from tiny bandwidths
- …deep kernel analogue is hard.
- Instead, keep witness function from being too steep
- would give Wasserstein
- Nice distance, but hard to estimate
- Control on average, near the data
MMD-GAN with gradient control
- If gives uniformly Lipschitz critics, is smooth
- Original MMD-GAN paper [Li+ NeurIPS-17]: box constraint
- We [Bińkowski+ ICLR-18] used gradient penalty on critic instead
- Better in practice, but doesn't fix the Dirac problem…
New distance: Scaled MMD
Want to ensure
Can solve with …but too expensive!
Guaranteed if
Gives distance
Deriving the Scaled MMD
Smoothness of
Theorem: is continuous.
If has a density;
is Gaussian/linear/…;
is fully-connected, Leaky-ReLU, non-increasing width;
all weights in have bounded condition number;
Results on CelebA
KID: 0.006
KID: 0.022
Evaluating generative models
Evaluating generative models
- Human evaluation: good at precision, bad at recall
- Likelihood: hard for GANs, maybe not right thing anyway
- Two-sample tests: always reject!
- Most common: Fréchet Inception Distance, FID
- Run pretrained featurizer on model and target
- Model each as Gaussian; compute
- Strong bias, small variance: very misleading
- Simple examples where
for reasonable sample size
- Our KID: instead. Unbiased, asymptotically normal
Training process on CelebA
IV: Unnormalized density/score estimation
- Problem: given samples with density
- Model is kernel exponential family: for any ,
i.e. any density with
- Gaussian : dense in all continuous distributions on compact domains
Density estimation with KEFs
- Fitting with maximum likelihood is tough:
- , are tough to compute
- Likelihood equations ill-posed for characteristic kernels
- We choose to fit the unnormalized model
- Could then estimate once after fitting if necessary
Unnormalized density / score estimation
- Don't necessarily need to compute afterwards
- , the “energy”, lets us:
- Find modes (global or local)
- Sample (with MCMC)
- …
- The score, , lets us:
- Run HMC for targets whose gradients we can't evaluate
- Construct Monte Carlo control functionals
- …
- Idea: minimize Fisher divergence
- Under mild assumptions,
- Can estimate with Monte Carlo
- Minimize regularized loss function:
- Representer theorem tells us minimizer of over is
Score matching in a subspace
- Best is in
- Find best
in dim subspace
in time
- : , time!
Meta-learning a kernel
- This was all with a fixed kernel and
- Good results need carefully tuned kernel and
- We can use a deep kernel as long as we split the data
- Otherwise it would always pick bandwidth 0
- Learns local dataset geometry: better fits
- On real data: slightly worse likelihoods, maybe better “shapes” than deep likelihood models
Combining a deep architecture with a kernel machine that takes the higher-level learned representation as input can be quite powerful.
— Y. Bengio & Y. LeCun (2007), “Scaling Learning Algorithms towards AI”
- Two-sample testing [ICLR-17, ICML-20, NeurIPS-21]
- maximizing power criterion, for one task or many
- Self-supervised learning with HSIC [NeurIPS-21]
- Much better understanding of what's going on!
- Generative modeling with MMD GANs [ICLR-18, NeurIPS-18]
- Need a smooth loss function for the generator
- Score matching in exponential families [AISTATS-18, ICML-19]
- Avoid overfitting with closed-form fit on held-out data